Terms of Service
While Kenepuru Water Taxi Ltd will take every care and precaution possible, we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to customer’s personal effects. We reserve the right to change our policies at any time.
We reserve the right to cancel or alter the services and products described on our websites or in other promotional literature without prior notice. Kenepuru Water Taxi Ltd reserves the right to alter trip times and prices during the season.
Safety First
We cannot be held responsible for changes in weather conditions or mechanical failures and reserve the right to cancel a trip if we deem it unsafe, we put your and our safety first. We will do our best to get you to your destination as soon as we can organise an alternative/suitable time.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel your trip more than 24 hours before - full refund minus $50 Administration Fee. Between 24 hours & 12 hours - 50% refund minus $50 Administration Fee. If you cancel less than 12 hours prior to the booked time - no refund.
Travel Insurance
Under all circumstances, the client is solely responsible for their personal equipment.
Privacy Policy
Kenepuru Water Taxi Ltd recognise the importance of safeguarding your personal and financial information. We do need to obtain personal information about you in the course of providing our products and services. Because this information is confidential and important to you, we think it’s important you know how we treat your information. We are committed to protecting your privacy in the online environment.
We only use your personal information to:
Help us to provide our products and services
Improve our service
Inform you of products you have indicated an interest in
Inform you about additional services
Kenepuru Water Taxi Ltd will not sell your information to third parties.
Please also note that while our website has hyperlinks to various other websites, we can not be responsible for the privacy practice of those websites and/or the reliability of the information published on those websites.

027 472 7200